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Integration in

Training Programs for Engireers


The Training Program for Graduate/Junior Engineers is considered by the CUBEiE as an important stage in the development of a person in achieving the goal of becoming an experienced Engineer.


The training period is a time of transition from an academic environment to that of real life in industry. It is a time when the trainees, by gaining practical 'on-the-job' experience, can reinforce and gain a thorough appreciation of the fundamental principles they learned in their academic studies.


To achieve this aim of integrating 'theory' with 'practice', the training scheme is designed to offer trainees learning opportunities by providing them with relevant practical experiences. The emphasis throughout the training being that the trainees should learn-by-doing, by their being personally involved in 'real life' activities and their learning being largely self-motivated.

The training program intenses to be cohesive and success in the constituent parts of the training scheme, as suggested from the Cyprus Chamber Of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce Industry and Tourism etc. These 'linked' parts/sessions cover such matters as technical competence, management skills, leadership skills, an awareness of matters and Engineer's role in the society. It is the achievement of the required standard in all of these inter-related parts that determines a trainee's suitability to become and work as a Professional Engineer.


It is in the matter of standards and achieving a degree of uniformity within the profession as a whole as well as within each discipline that the objective approach can be effectively used.

Download our call for Εngineers in PDF

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Whilst undergoing training trainees are expected to:


  • behave in a professional manner.

  • have a positive and good attitude towards the company providing the training; to all levels of its staff, to their colleagues, and to their 'work'.

  • be part of the productive process within the framework of being trained.

  • use their intellectual and analytical abilities to further their development in the engineering profession.

  • demonstrate initiative and drive in a quest to learn from their training. In this, accept that in the industrial environment (so different from the academic life) the effort required to acquire knowledge or a skill will be largely self-motivated.

  • develop their powers of communication, decision making and leadership and thereby gain self-confidence related to their technical and social behaviour and opinions.

  • identify how they can complement their formal training by self-help.

  • help develop their initiative and their innovative skills.

  • be able to retrieve and use relevant information.

  • use their diagnostic skills to identify problems and offer possible solutions.

  • to develop a natural inquisitive sense and 'question' 'why' and 'how' things are done, with the aim of improving procedures and thus productivity.



In the final analysis the success of the training, with respect to the calibre of the 'product', is considered to rest very largely on the interest, enthusiasm, attitude, self-motivation and curiosity of the trainees themselves.




             your career''

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